Reflection Post for Homework 2

1. Design

Changes to the Back-End:

I updated the back-end API routes to include `/api` prefixes, added CORS headers for front-end communication, and improved validation for input data.

Validation Strategy:

I used both server-side and client-side validation. Client-side validation improved user experience, while server-side validation ensured data consistency and security.

2. React

State Management and useEffect:

Using `useEffect` was challenging, especially managing dependencies to avoid unnecessary re-renders. However, the hooks provided powerful state management for dynamic updates.

TypeScript Usage:

TypeScript caught several bugs related to API response types. While defining types manually was sometimes tedious, it ensured code quality and consistency.

3. SPA vs. MPA

Building an SPA with React provided a smoother, faster user experience compared to MPAs. React’s component reusability and state management made development more enjoyable, despite the initial learning curve.

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